What's their name? Tyler
How long have you been together? Since 2005
How long did you date? HAHA... That's a good questions. Let's go with we met in September of '05 and where married August of '06. :)
How old are you both? Tyler is 23 and I am 20.
Who eats more? I am going to go with Janalyn's answer. I eat more frequently, but he probably eats more.
Who said 'I love you' first? Tyler said "love ya" first, then it is kind of fuzzy from there. I say it more often now. He says if his feelings change he will let me know.
Who is taller? Definately Tyler.
Who sings better? I love to sing, Tyler does not sing at all he refuses.
Who is smarter? We are both pretty smart. Tyler knows a lot about the church and is very good with writing and spelling. I am pretty good with the finances.
Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but he helps out sometimes. I wash, he folds and I put all the clothes away.
Who does the dishes? I always do the dishes. I am hoping when the baby comes he will help out. He loves to vacuum so it's a nice trade!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Uhh... I think I do I mostly take up all the bed, sorry honey:)
Who pays the bills? I do, it's less stressful if I just take care of it. Tyler is a great provider and will be going to school soon so anything I can do to help!
Who mows the lawn? Sorry, grass doesn't grow down here only rocks.
Who cooks dinner? I usually cook, but when I am too tired Ty will always step in. He's a great cook and I would rather have him cook everynight.
Who drives when you are together? Tyler, he thinks I am too sloooooowwwwwwwww!!
Who is more stubborn? Not sure. We both have our times.
Who kissed who first? We disagree on this answer, I thought Tyler was going in for a kiss and paniced so I kissed his cheek then we went outside and I got my up my nerve and kissed him.It's been great ever since!
Who asked who out first? ??? Tyler never asked me out we just were always together!
Who proposed? Tyler, It was great and so sweet!
Who is more sensitive? That would be me for sure. Tyler, blames it on the hormones.
Who has more friends? We are each others only friend's down here. No time to make friends just lots of work.
Who has more siblings? Me, of course…13kids, whoa!
Who wears the pants in the family? We both have different strength's in different areas of our marriage. We are a team together!
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Love of My Life
Posted by Lindsay at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lyndon Tyler
Posted by Lindsay at 5:35 PM 4 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
June 20, 2008
Today was the day we were suppose to find out the sex of the baby. Well, to our disappointment the doctor to do the ultrasound was not in the office today. They failed to let us know the doctor has Friday's off. Lindsay and I were pretty upset because we were just so excited to find out the sex. Tuesday we are doing the ultrasound and will find out the sex. We all know we are having a boy, but we have to do an ultrasound so Lindsay can know for sure. Okay, so I know we are having a boy.
Today the temperature was 115 degrees. I would have to say that all of us know that is HOT. It is the tenth day of 110 degrees or more. The temperature has not bothered us too much since we work all day and are not outside. I did go golfing yesterday from 3 to 6. I enjoyed the experience, but I am going to try to be a little more wise and go later in the afternoon when the temperature is maybe 108 instead of 115.
Lindsay is still working at Babies R Us. I am also still working with Target. We were both blessed in being able to transfer down here with our jobs. I am liking my work a little more than Lindsay though. She is working with all those immature people that do not know what work is. Everyone tends to talk bad about everyone about everything. Lindsay just stays out of it all and is being a great employee. They really appreciate her hard work and are not looking forward tolosing her when the baby comes. Lindsay is looking forward to that time just so she can leave all that drama.
I work in the produce department at Target. Not all that great and not really the job I want to be in. I am looking for a better job that I can actually grow from. Not much luck in that yet. I get along with most of the people. The whole produce team are golf people so I we talk about that alotwhich I do not mind. School starts the end of August. I just need to stop being lazy and fill out a little more paper work for the loans and magically come up with $900 to keep my spot at the school.
That is our life:)
More to come on Tuesday with the results of the ultrasound.
Posted by Lindsay at 12:17 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Our Seattle Vacation
One of our first vacations that Tyler and I took after we were married was to Seattle. We stayed with Janalynn and Rob and went everywhere. This picture was taken on a tour ship. As you can see Tyler was very excited. We were freezing cold but it was well worth the trip. The view was beautiful we saw a light house tons of sail boats, the city from the water and even the house used in the movie Sleepless in Seattle.
Posted by Lindsay at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Welcome to Arizona
Posted by Lindsay at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Our Wedding Day
Posted by Lindsay at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Only 13 More Weeks
Today, Tyler and I only have 13 weeks until we will have our baby. Not knowing what we are having yet has been a challege especially since I work at a baby store with so many cute little clothes. We have decided that we can't waith any longer and in the next couple of weeks we are going to the doctors and are oging to find out Boy or Girl? Tyler is convinced that we are having a boy. I kind of hope so as well even just for the fact that Ty constantly calls my stomach Lyndon and of we have a girl this baby is going to really confused but, I guess we can fix that:) We have decided if we have a boy his name will be Lyndon Tyler Pickup and if we have a girl she will be Addyson Lynne Pickup. With the last couple of months in sight I cannot believe how fast this has gone by. Being so sick in the begining I thought this would never end but, since we have moved to Az I feel great and we are enjoying every minute.
Posted by Lindsay at 6:41 PM 0 comments