Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Sweet Boys

I Layed Bausten on Lynodn's bed so I could straighten up after he had fallen asleep and I looked over and they were holding hands! It just melted me! I am so Thankful that they have each other, I am sure they are going to be best friends! Tyler and I are so lucky to have such beautiful and sweet little boys! They definalty are our world!


So Ty is going to kill me but I thought this was so funny! He has been carrying my little sisters baby doll around and he sat on the bed a couple of weeks ago and told Ty he was "feeding" his baby! Ty got so mad but I could not stop laughing:)


A couple days ago I walked into Lyndon's room to see him singing Edelweiss to Mickey Mouse! It was sooo cute! He is definalty all rough and tough boy but it is great to see that he has a soft and such a sweet side. He rocked mickey and them kissed him goodnight and put him into bed! Sometimes these boys do the cutest things ever:)

Good Morning Sunshine!

Lyndon loves being the wake up call! Evermornign we have so much fun before the crazy day begins ot just have some fun family time! The boys are really starting to enjoy each other and it is so great to see them interacting!
Lyndon just loves Bausten so much and Bausten thinks he has the funniest Big Brither ever:)
Lyndon loves laying down with Bausten-who is never sure about the whole thing.

Daddy and his favorite boys-What a Good Wake up call!

Bausten looks as big as Lyndon in this one!