Friday, March 26, 2010

My really Long Post, more to get it off my chest than anything!

Sorry, I cannot figure out how to post my pictures from my phone onto my parent's computer!!

Our Family has had on eventful week in Utah, we even made a trip up to Primary children's Hospital. Lyndon and My little sister both came down with a bad cold last Thursday. They had high fever's. a really bad cough, soar throats and no energy. By Saturday evening McKinley pretty much had slept the day away and Lyndon would not eat anything. My mom decided to take McKinley into Insta care because even while she was sleeping it looked like she was having a hard time breathing and her little heart was racing. They ended up putting her on an ambulance with full oxygen and she was admitted to Primary Children's with Pneumonia and RSV.
I became really worried about Lyndon who other than his breathing problems had all of the same symptoms as she did. After a really bad night I took him into insta care Sunday night. I have the hardest time deciding when he is sick enough that he needs to be seen and when it is just a waiting game so after a lot of thinking I took him in. We did find out that he had an ear infection so he was put on antibiotics but the Doctor made me feel so stupid about his breathing. She said he probably did have RSV but they could do nothing about it and if I had just tried to suction his nose out more he would have been fine! So after $153 dollars later a prescription for an ear infection and maybe a a little hurt pride I headed home.
My sister was still on full oxygen and had to get an IV for dehydration so I was still pretty worried about Lyndon. He slept between Tyler and I that whole night and I pretty much just watched him breathing and made sure he did not choke when he coughed. Monday rolls around and he is just as miserable and now he really did not want to eat still or drink anything!! SHOOT, but the doctor last night said he's fine so I tried just to make him comfortable, we have had the humidifier going every night and watching him closely. My sister came home that afternoon feeling much better and Lyndon was running around that afternoon so I thought he was probably feeling better too. NOT, Monday night was the worst he started wheezing and so I took him outside into the cool night air which seemed to help. In fact he feel asleep but, no sooner had I layed him on my bed did he start coughing and eventually threw up! His breathing was a little labored but I had just been tot he doctors, It was a blizzard outside and so I decided to watch him throughout the night.
Tuesday morning he still was not better so even though I felt a little stupid and Tyler thought I depended a little too much on doctors I headed back to the Insta care. They brought us right in and the Doctor was so understanding! I explained to him the I was suctioning him out and had the humidifier and that I realized getting better takes time but that he still was not eating or really drinking and that his breathing was a little off. He listened to Lyndon and then said that his lungs sounded really congested and that he was dehydrated and that we needed to head to primary Children's and would probably be there for a couple of days. I was pretty worried by now I ran home met up with Ty and we headed to the hospital.
We walked into the ER and they got us right in and listened to his lungs and took his pulse/ox and said that he was actually doing pretty well. but they were a little worried about him not drinking. So here I am feeling pretty dumb and confused by now the Doctor at the Insta care seemed so sure. I felt so bad for having to put Lyndon through all these tests that were so scary for nothing!! He was given and X-Ray because McKinley had Pneumonia and they were all over him taking his pulse/ox and listening to his lungs and while he is screaming on the top of his lungs "OWIE!!!!" the doctors keep coming in and saying he's sick but will just get over it. We ended up waiting almost 2 hours before the x-ray's came back and in the mean time Lyndon and Tyler were both ornery and asleep!! A new doctor came in said he didn't have Pneumonia but did have RSV and even though he's sick he should be just fine. They decided to do a once more over on him before we left and so they turned on the pulse/ox machine and that's when they realized he was a lot more sick than they thought!! His oxygen levels were way down while he was sleeping and they immediately hooked him up to oxygen and said he had to be admitted! I was a little shocked after all this but relived that he they finally were going to help him feel better! We were admitted to the hospital and I felt terrible for Lyndon he was so scared and just kept screaming because he hated the oxygen so much! They also had to suction him out which about killed me because he sounded so scared!! Lyndon has an ear infection, RSV and Bronchitis which made it difficult to breath let alone try to eat or drink.We pushed fluids all night trying to get him hydrated with out an IV and watched him carefully Tyler's parents and My mom and brother Tanner came to visit us which was really nice but Lyndon was Super Contagious so we were not allowed a lot of people to come and visit. I did not realize how scary it is to have your baby in the so sick until it happens I did not sleep hardly at all and even though Lyndon was released the next day having gotten his airways opened again and re hydrated I still am pretty paranoid. He is contagious until his cough is gone which can last up to 2 weeks!! I also have now gotten sick and am constantly worried he is going to catch it from me again!! Let's just say we are using lots of soap and Lysol right now at our house!! Everyone seems to have a cold so I am on constant watch, hopefully we will all get better soon and get some much needed rest! I really don't want to see anyone especially Lyndon have to go back into the hospital again!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Okay, so I am the biggest slacker in the world! I can't believe I have let my blog go for so long! Life for our family has changed a lot since our last post! Tyler, graduated from the Golf Academy of America and we are so proud of him! He has worked so hard these last two years going to school and work full time! He will be starting school at the University of Phoenix in a couple of weeks but, at least it will only be one evening class a week!
One of the biggest changes we have made as a family is that we have moved our family back up to Utah! After, much thought and prayer we just know this is where we are supposed to be. Yes, it does not make a lot of sense on paper why Ty would graduate with a Golf Business degree and then move to snowy UT but, we know it is the right choice! He has already landed a job at the Hidden Valley Country Club in Sandy. My parents have been so helpful especially with letting us stay with them over these last couple of months but we are now looking for a place to call our own closer to Ty's work!
Lyndon is getting bigger than ever, he will be 18 months on Sunday and I really can't believe how fast time flies! He has been attending nursery for the past couple of weeks because my mom's ward nursery is so small but we haven't been able to leave him yet with out big alligator tears which result in us getting called out of class. So we are working on that, we may try his Daddy going with him next week to see if that will be easier! Lyndon is a very smart little boy and is taking up a storm he is trying to say little sentences his favorite right now is "NO, STOP IT" Yeah we are working on that:) He also understands everything and copies everything! I am amazed how much he knows and communicates! He is a joy to put to bed FINALLY!! in fact we have a little routine and about halfway through me singing him a song he starts saying"crib" and I just lay him down! It's wonderful! He LOVES doggies and his blankie and is really starting to get to know everyone in our family which is so fun! We couldn't have asked for a better and happier little boy!
We are also on the countdown for Boston Ray to come! I have about 89 days till my due date but since I had so may complications with Lyndon the doctors are recommending a scheduled C-section so he will probably come the end of May! We are thrilled to be having a new little boy in our family and I know him and Lyndon are going to be best friends! Pregnancy for me is finally getting easier since I am no longer sick all the time and Boston is one active kid my stomach is constantly moving! Especially at night, he gave Ty a good kick the the other day so we know he is going to be one active little guy!
Tyler and I feel very blessed two be parents of these two little boys and for all the wonderful people in our lives! we are excited to start this new adventure back in Utah and hopefully we can find a place that we love shortly so we can get settled!