Friday, October 31, 2008

Fall Pictures

Today, Tyler and I took Lyndon to park by our house for our anual fall pictures. Jill and Dave started this tradition when all their kids were young. Now, that we have our own little family it's fun to continue the tradition. It's great because even though a lot of the kids have moved away we all still take fall pictures, and it's a great way to see how we ll have chaned over the year!

Our Big Boy!

Yesterday, I took Lyndon to the doctors because he sounded really congested like he had a cold and he spits up a lot more than a normal baby should. Luckily it's nothing serious however, the docotor did say that they think the reason for eveything is that he is eating too fast and too much! Lyndon know weighs 12 lbs. 13 oz. which is big for a six week old baby just two weeks ago he was only 10.12. Because he hates the binki and likes to nurse to fall asleep he is stuffing his tummy too full and then he spits it up which then gets in his sinuses and makes him sound stuffy. So even though its hard if he has eaten already and still fussy we will be trying other methods to calm him down because he is definatly not starving:) These pictures are Lyndon thinking he is starving it's really funny one minute he is fine and the next it's like he realizes he's hungry and wants to eat NOW! We love our little guy!

Today is Lyndon's first Halloween and even though he will not be going Trick-or -Treating we just had to put on his costume that nana gave to us! I just love it so much because he is getting so chunky he just looks adorable, our little bumble bee. It's really funny because I thought he would scream when I put it on but, he actually really likes it. I guess he knows how cute he looks!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Sweet Little Boy

Today my little boy turns one month old. I cannot belive how fast time flies, we have had so much fun with Lyndon. There are not words to describe how much I Love Lyndon and would do anything for him.

Bringing him into this world was very difficult it took Tyler and I a while to get pregnant and than my pregnacy was difficult and the delivery was hard and very frightning at times. In fact I am still trying to get better and heal. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat as long as I new we would be getting Lyndon. I feel so privledged to be his mother and can only hope that I can be a good enough mom to this wonderful and sweet little boy. Mommy loves you Lyndon, my little sqeakers!:)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

One Cool Guy

Okay, so I have always thought that babies being in warm amniotic fluid for nine months would like to be bundled and nice and toasty! Well, not our baby, Lyndon is always warm. We started to notice this when he was brand new, everytime we wrapped him up at night he would pull his arms out. Then, his carseat has a sweat marks from his head on it GROSS! I was feeling really bad that the back of the car was too hot for him so I sat in the back with him and I was fine. Then last bight he was crying for a while and when I went to change him he stopped crying. As I started to put his pj's back on he started up again. Our little guy must be warm blooded, we finally put this little nigth gown on him and he was content the rest of the evening. The doctor told us that babies need one more layer of clothing or blankets than we do to make ourselves comfortable so this is the rule I have been following. Goes to show us that we definalty need to follow our intuition when it comes to Lyndon. He is one happy camper now that we realize he likes to be cool and comfy.

One month old

Lyndon will be one month old this tuesday and we can hardly believe it.My baby is getting so big already, we tried a little tummy time today and to my suprise he is really strong. Lyndon just kept looking around at everything, he is our wide eyed baby boy who is so curious. Ty just keeps saying how he can't believe Lyndon is really ours. It is definatly sureal sometimes I can't believe we are old enough to be parents. Tyund I are both so grateful and truly blessed that he was sent to our home and that we are finally parents. I have wanted this for so long.We love him more than anything and Iam so grateful that I can be his mom.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Since Lyndon was born Tyler has become very popular everywhere he goes. At school he is the only one who is married and has a child so he is known not as Tyler or even as The Pickup guy but, as the guy with the baby. When we go to Target where Ty works everyone flocks around to see our little Lyndon. This Hat was given to us buy a Lady at Target. It may take a while for him to grow into it but, we couldn't resist trying it on. We thought it was great! Lyndon however, had other ideas. He did not enjoy it very much. It's so fun to see him growing and changing everyday. although I want him to stay my little boy for ever I love Seeing him growing and being more alert.

Say Cheese!

I know Tyler already put a picture of Lyndon up in thiscute little outfit from Janalyn and Rob but, I love this picture. It is the closest one yet that we have of him smiling. He loves to smile but, we are never fast enough to grab the camera and capture it. This picture also really shows off his personality, I am so blessed to have such a content and happy boy. He really is a wonderful baby don't get me wrong Lyndon definatly will let us know if he is hungry -he loves to eat. Other than that he just likes hanging out with mom and dad.We love our little boy!