Okay, so I have always thought that babies being in warm amniotic fluid for nine months would like to be bundled and nice and toasty! Well, not our baby, Lyndon is always warm. We started to notice this when he was brand new, everytime we wrapped him up at night he would pull his arms out. Then, his carseat has a sweat marks from his head on it GROSS! I was feeling really bad that the back of the car was too hot for him so I sat in the back with him and I was fine. Then last bight he was crying for a while and when I went to change him he stopped crying. As I started to put his pj's back on he started up again. Our little guy must be warm blooded, we finally put this little nigth gown on him and he was content the rest of the evening. The doctor told us that babies need one more layer of clothing or blankets than we do to make ourselves comfortable so this is the rule I have been following. Goes to show us that we definalty need to follow our intuition when it comes to Lyndon. He is one happy camper now that we realize he likes to be cool and comfy.
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