Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Lyndon!!

Today my sweet Lyndon turns 3 years old! You will have to excuse the amount of pictures but, I love going back and seeing all theses cute pictures of him :) I feel truly blessed to be Lyndon's mom. He is such a sweet spirit and I am constantly amazed by him each and everyday. Getting him here was a rough road, 10 day's late and then 3 day's of labor but, I wouldn't trade it for anything! Lyndon is so smart, he is kind, he is a wonderful Big brother to Bausten. Lyndon loves to sing and read and has a very big immagination , he even sometimes reads his favorite books to me because he has memorized them. He LOVES playing outside and is all boy, constantly picking up bug's and exploring. Lyndon loves his family very much and makes sure that we all know it! He gives great hug's and Kisses! He makes me laugh when he say's things like " Mom, can you please get me a new Walkie Talkie, the batteries are dead and it's embarrassing" or " Mom, I just need to ask you a question" he seems to small to be saying SO MUCH but, I honestly can't remember him not talking anymore! He knows what he want's in life and works very hard to have it, I am so Thankful for such determined and happy boy. These past three years have been a complete learning experience full of new advent rues and wonderful memories and I am so excited for all the year's to come:) We survived the Terrible two's so I am pretty sure we can sit back and enjoy him for a little while!
Happy Birthday Lyndon! We Love you!!