Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bausten's Ear tubes

So we missed PCMC so much that we decided to go back :) No, on Tuesday Bausten went in and had tubes put in his ears. He has had 5 double Ear infections in the past six months and this last one he was on 3 different antibiotics including Recephren (sp?) shots one in each leg for three day's and he still after all that had fluid in his ear's ! So after meeting with the ENT and getting a hearing test which showed less than perfect hearing because of all the fluid we decided on tubes.
I took him in right and early Tuesday morning which meant he was pretty unhappy. He was not allowed to have any food after midnight and only apple juice or water till five but, when I woke him up he refused to drink a bottle because he was so sleepy so by the time his surgery started at 7:15 i had one hungry baby:(
He was a trooper though, once he saw the toy's he was fine. I started getting a little nervous but I am thankful for such a great Doctor and Nurses who reassured me he was going to be fine. The hardest part was that unlike Lyndon who had some med's that helped him relax before surgery Bausten was too little so when I was supposed to had him to the Anastegiologist I thought he was going to cry. Nope, he put out his arms and went right too him. I was so glad. The procedure only too 12 minutes and then I was ale to see my baby again. A little droggy and confused but we just snuggled and he was good to go :) I am so thankful that everything went smoothly and for Dr's who have helped my little guy feel a lot better!! Bausten is doing great walking everywhere and other than a little more needed cuddling during the day which I don't mind and probably due to the 2 molars coming in and his cold, He is one happy baby and I love him so much!!