Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bausten 2 weeks

Lyndon 1 month

Lyndon 9 months

Bausten 81/2 months

Since Bausten was born I have gotten completly mixed statements about Bausten and Lyndon. Some say they look just like Brothers and others have no idea where Bausten came from. To me I think they look pretty similar but, there temperaments are COMPLELTY different although both are very sweet and loving. And also, when comparing size Lyndon has Bausten beat at 9 months Lyndon was in the 90% in weight were as Basuten is in the 10-15%. Now I love my boy's SO MUCh and would not trade either of them for the world and I am truly blessed to have them exactly the way they are!! But, for enertainment and because people have asked here are the photo's. What do you think:)

Bausten's First Haircut

About a month ago I realized that Bausten's hair had become completely too long and crazy. So I decided to try and give him a hair cut. Now, I was a little nervous because although we have always cut Lyndon's hair ourselves it has never been my job, and Lyndon is not a fan at all of cutting his hair. Bausten on the other had did a great job!! He looked a little concerned at first but there were no tears involved and he is just as a happy as ever...looking a lot more clean cut these days:)