Our Big Boy!
Yesterday, I took Lyndon to the doctors because he sounded really congested like he had a cold and he spits up a lot more than a normal baby should. Luckily it's nothing serious however, the docotor did say that they think the reason for eveything is that he is eating too fast and too much! Lyndon know weighs 12 lbs. 13 oz. which is big for a six week old baby just two weeks ago he was only 10.12. Because he hates the binki and likes to nurse to fall asleep he is stuffing his tummy too full and then he spits it up which then gets in his sinuses and makes him sound stuffy. So even though its hard if he has eaten already and still fussy we will be trying other methods to calm him down because he is definatly not starving:) These pictures are Lyndon thinking he is starving it's really funny one minute he is fine and the next it's like he realizes he's hungry and wants to eat NOW! We love our little guy!
Is that a hint of *RED* in his hair!?! Oh my. :)
He looks so big...I cannot wait to see him!
He is just the cutest thing!! I love his hair and his jacket that he is wearing. adorable!! He is so cute!!
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