Today my little boy turns one month old. I cannot belive how fast time flies, we have had so much fun with Lyndon. There are not words to describe how much I Love Lyndon and would do anything for him.
Bringing him into this world was very difficult it took Tyler and I a while to get pregnant and than my pregnacy was difficult and the delivery was hard and very frightning at times. In fact I am still trying to get better and heal. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat as long as I new we would be getting Lyndon. I feel so privledged to be his mother and can only hope that I can be a good enough mom to this wonderful and sweet little boy. Mommy loves you Lyndon, my little sqeakers!:)
I hope that you start to feel better! You are in our prayers!! We love you all so much. Can't wait until you come up for the holidays! Lyndon really is such a cute kid.
I can't belive he is already one month old. Time goes by so fast. He is getting so big already. I can't wait till next month to see you guys. I hope you start feeling better. We love you guys.
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