Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sitting Up

Posted by Lindsay at 4:32 PM 7 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
What Teething has done to my Baby!

This past week has been very interesting. Or adroable, very mild mannered baby has turned into someone completly different. Last week he woke up witha horriable cold everytime our little guy coughed you could tell he was in so much pain. Luckily, he was already going to the doctors for his 4 month check up so the doctor was able to look him over. The doctor said he would be fine and that he would just have to work through it because the doctor thought he was fine we proceeded with his shots. For the next two days he had a fever from shots and a really bad cold. After we bought a humidifier he started getting better.However, after three hours of crying and a bath, a walk outside, rocking and singing from mommy and daddy I decided to check his mouth for teeth and as soon as I started rubbing his gums he stopped crying. I felt so bad that it had taken us that long to figure out what was wrong!Lyndon is pretty young to be getting teeth but, I got my first tooth at his age so I guess he just takes after me. Needless to say this week has been difficult we have orajel and give him Tylenol at night if he is just beside himself and then he usually falls asleep but, we are all hoping his two teeth come in soon! At nights we just pace the floors with him ( Which we have never had to do)feeling so bad that there is nothing else we can do! Tyler keeps saying " I'm so sorry baby" It's really cute to see how much he cares for Lyndon. Hopefully, our baby will feel better soon! Wish us good luck!
Posted by Lindsay at 12:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
4 Months Old !

Posted by Lindsay at 2:31 PM 1 comments
So I can't believe it finally happened Lyndon is now slleping in his own room! After coming back from Utah Tyler and I decided it was time for Lyndon to sleep in his own crib. Since he is over the weight limit for the bassinet part of his pack 'n' play , we put him in his crib. Suprisingly he loves in Mommy is more the one having some withdrawls. His room is right next to the front door which makes me nervous .Thanks to Mel we have monitors though and we all are getting much better sleep. Lyndon now sleeps from 7-10 hours a night and is on a wonderful scheduale it's so nice!
Posted by Lindsay at 2:20 PM 1 comments