I posted a lot of stuff so keep scrolling down!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Lyndon's Crawling!!
Lyndon has stared crawling and is defiantly keeping us on our toes!! We didn't realize how much stuff we would have to move now that he's Mobil. Especially cords!! He Loves them!!!In fact to get this video i had to put the computer on the floor!! I know poor guy worked so hard to get it and then I wouldn't let him play:( . His crawl is still a work in progress but we are enjoying every minute!! Ty is just thrilled to have Lyndon moving so they can really play!!!
Posted by Lindsay at 9:42 AM 1 comments
How Little Boy's Play with their Teddy Bear

Posted by Lindsay at 9:33 AM 0 comments
I'm comimg to Utah!

I have the best husband ever!! For my birthday on Monday Tyler took me to the Texas Roadhouse one of my favorite places to eat!! We had a wonderful time and it was so nice to got out with our little family! I was worried Lyndon would not be so good but he was fantastic!! In fact we even heard someone say "What a good baby, he's so happy."yes he really is!! We went to eat the Saturday before my birthday because Ty had school from 7am-7pm so he would not be home all day , I was a little sad but,m when I woke up Monday morning I found a wonderful card from my honey and the best present ever!!! A plane ticket to Utah!! I could not be more thrilled!! Although Ty can't come which is sad, I am so excited to go and visit everyone! Tyler knows me so well, this is just what I needed!! I am loving living in Utah but it is always nice to back "home". Thank you so much Tyler you really are an amazing husband and I Love You so much!!
Posted by Lindsay at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
Posted by Lindsay at 8:26 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Family Visit
This past week Tyler's Grandparents,mom, and Aunt came to visit us. We were so excited to have family in town and to show them what we have been doing down here in AZ. I was worried that Lyndon would not go to them because he has become so bashful latley but, as you can see from the pictures he loved spending all the time with everyone!! We went Shopping at Santan Village, ate lunch at Paradise Bakery, watched movies, qnd on wednesday we went to the Cheescake factory for Dinner and then the Easter Pagent at the temple. Unfortunalty, Lyndon has not been feeling well at all infact for three nights in a row he screamed ALL night long!!!( we had just taken him to teh doctor the friday before and he said nothing was wrong with Lyndon?!) But, after having to leave the pagent and two nights on restless sleeping on the couch and one walking the floors I was too exahusted and finally decided no matter what the doctor sadi something was definatly wrong with my little guy!! Thankfully Jill took us to the doctor and we found out that Lyndon has his first ear infection, no wonder he was screaming!! We got him medicine and he is finally is feeling better!! We were able to enjoy the rest of the families visit and were so glad that we have such a great family!! Thanks for coming down!! We miss you all ready and everyone who didn't get to come! Hopefully, we will see you all soon! Love you all!!
Posted by Lindsay at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Booster Seat!!

Posted by Lindsay at 9:07 PM 0 comments