Tyler and I at the fireworks in Gilbert!
(Ryan if you are wondering once again, this is not a white shirt I washed with a red shirt. For the last time this shirt is pink.)
This is our second 4th of July down in AZ and it was a lot of fun! We went and saw What happens in Vegas, which was really funny. Then we had a BBQ in our living room. We wanted to go to a park, but we could not find a park around our apartments so we decided that home would work out fine. Plus the A/C was a lot better than the 112 degree weather outside. Tyler was a great chef. We are not allowed to use grills in our apartment complex so we cooked corn on the cob, baked beans, salad, watermelon, and some great BBQ chicken on our George Forman grill! Thanks honey! Notice the approaching storm in the background.
We showed up at the school a couple hours early to get a spot. Not many people were there that early, but it began to fill up fast. To pass time we brought some card games to play. That did not last long because it became so windy that the cards were starting to blow away. It was fun without the games. Watching the people around us was enough entertainment for me to pass time. I could tell that Lindsay really wanted to see these fireworks because I was getting nervous from this storm. It was huge, black, and blowing in fast. She just kept saying it is fine. I know I am just a little girl!
Do not judge the amount of fun we were having by the look on my face, but on the face of Lindsay. I was just concentrating on taking the picture too much. Can't do two things at once. These are the only fireworks we were able to see. It was so stormy and windy last night that the ashes from the fireworks were falling on the crowd in the field and so they canceled the fireworks. Oh well, it was fun to be outside and have the day off. Thanks for the great day Ty!

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