Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Week

Lyndon's first Sunday

Today is one week since Lyndon was born. We went to church today, but only for sacrament meeting. Lindsay just needed to get out. Plus I think she wanted to show off our little cutie. Lindsay was excited to get him dressed in his church outfit.

I was a little nervous in wondering when he was going to wake up. With all the singing and the other kids making noises I totally thought he was going to get woken up. The little guy did well and slept all the way through. If only we can get him to sleep during 2am -6am. That would be a lot better. Lindsay would probably appreciate as well.

He has survived one week. I guess we are alright parents:)


Jeanette said...

Cute pictures! Thanks for sending them our way.
Love ya, Dad & Jeanette

Alisha said...

So glad that things are going good for you. I love how he fits in his outfits. Ender still doesn't really fit in anything other then newborn and he is almost 2 months old. Keep up the good work. Hang in there with the nights. I can't tell you that they will get better because Ender still doesn't sleep through the night, but I heard they get better. Love you all.