Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nap time

So this is how nap time goes at our house! Since we live in AZ most of you don't know that Lyndon is NOT a good sleeper, well it's mostly because he just does not need a lot of sleep! He did great going to bed until he got an ear infection around 6 months and then he decided he liked me holding him all night. Well, sleeping sitting up was not that great so after trying countless things that did not work we finally talked to our pediatrician and a couple friends who suggested just letting him cry it out. As, heartbreaking as it was two hours later we had a baby so was sound asleep and who now goes to bed every night at 8 without any problems.
So why did I put this picture up? Well, because the story does not end there Lyndon has his father's genes and yes I know its good to go to bed early and rise early but I am not programmed that way and well every morning around 4:30-5:00 our wide eyed little boy is ready to start the day, and I am defiantly NOT! But having a baby I get up anyways I watch a 9 month old little girl everyday so I like to be ready by the time she gets here.
That's where nap time comes in even though Lyndon sleeps in his bed all night he refuses to sleep in it during the day and Amara the little girl I watch co-sleeps with her family so the room with the pack-n-play and crib stay empty everyday and my couch is full :) I am sure some probably wonders why I don't break this habit, well I have tried but Lyndon would rather not sleep all day than take a nap and Amara is so not used to it and living in Apartments it sounds like I am torturing them. They will scream their lungs out everyday all day until i get them out, and they both only take one 45 min. nap a day so if you ever come to visit:) Don't be alarmed if my couch is now a bed:) Someday when Lyndon does not wake up before the sun does maybe I will change his sleeping arrangements but, for now I am going to enjoy my the only 45 minutes of silence I get a day!:)

** Don't you like my couch Ty takes the cover off everyday when he sits on it:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

To the Love of My Life, Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Three years ago today, Tyler and I were married ! As I look back I can't believe how fast time goes by and how much life has changed in such a short amount of time. I am truly grateful to be married to Ty he is my best friend and I really do mean that. Ty know what I am going to do or how I am going to handle situations before I even do sometimes. He knows how to make me smile, laugh, and what drives me crazy! He tells me all the time that he teases me because I did not have the Luxury?!:) of having an older brother to torture me and I complain that I don't want to be teased but it really is kind of fun( Shhhhh, don't tell him:)! I love that he is strong in everything I lack, and that as a team we can accomplish anything. He is also such a hard worker going all day everyday to school and work taking care of our family and always leaving room to spend time with Lyndon and I. Tyler, is the best father and I am so grateful that he is so kind and caring towards Lyndon. He loves him more than anything in this world. Thank you honey for making me the luckiest girl ever! I love you so much! Happy Anniversary!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

All by Myself!

Tuesday, during dinner I decided it's probably getting time for Lyndon to start learning how to use Utensils. He will be a year next month and has been on "people"food for more that 2 months so we decided to try. As you can see he did pretty well. we need to get him some smaller spoons but this little guy just picks up new things so fast! He is defiantly still learning and we did scoop up the food onto his spoon before we gave it too him but he kept trying and I know it won't be too long now! I can't believe how big my baby is, he has just grown up toooo fast, but we are enjoying every minute of him!

Potato anyone?

I just had to post this picture because it made me laugh! When I am doing the dishes Lyndon's favorite thing to do is get into my cupboard with all the spoons. Well he has now discovered that there are more cupboards in our kitchen because as I was finishing up I heard him making some funny sounds, I looked down and he had gotten into my bag of potatoes and was trying to eat them! As you can kind of tell from the photo it wasn't that pleasant and his face was covered in dirt! YUMMY!!