Today, our Bausten turned one month old! It really amazes me how fast time has flown. Our little guy is getting so big! So much has happened since he was born but, we have enjoyed every minute of our new bigger family!! Bausten is a dream baby he never hardly fusses at all!! In fact he only squeaks when he is hungry, Bausten sleeps wonderfully and although he is still waking up every 3 hours to eat at night and he had a little spell of being WIDE awake in the EARLY morning hours we are Turing that around:) He is patient and just so sweet!! His cheeks are getting so chunky making it hard to resist kissing his little face!
Lyndon, has been so great with Bausten. He loves him so much and is always concerned when Bausten is in a different room or when his Binky has fallen out. Lyndon, loves holding him and singing Edelweiss to him and giving him LOTS of kisses! Tyler and I are adjusting pretty well to a life with two and I have been so thankful for a husband who has taken over my role of getting Lyndon breakfast in the early morning so I can get a little more sleep in:) We have already taken the boys to the Strawberry Days parade and up to Idaho Falls for a family funeral.
We feel so blessed to have such a sweet little spirit come to our family and are enjoying every minute of him and h is brother!