One day he spent half of it with underwear on his head ?!

Helping me with Laundry

What a good helper.

Fun with Cousins!!

They said they were having FHE :)

Yep, Bausten likes sugar ... yes,. that was in the garbage, YUCK!

Having fun at his first Play Date!

Bausten likes to crawl and sit on everything!

Lately, Lyndon has really been growing up, I have always enjoyed him but, his 2 year old phase and I had a rough go for a little while :) He is such a sweetheart and my little chatter box especially around bedtime, of course, telling me everything about his day and things that have happened week prior. Lyndon loves running around outside, climbing the mountain of a Backyard we have with my little brother and sister and having loads of fun with his cousins!He also is very smart all day long he walks around reciting books we have read or songs that we sing... at night he recites the books we read along with me, he is such a book worm! Lyndon defiantly has a teasing streak through him and knows exactly how to push someones buttons it's almost funny because he is so good at it(although I will never let him know that). Lyndon loves his family especially his brother and always tries to watch out for him which usually means constantly picking him up which results in Bausten screaming but, he is trying to be kind. He is quick to apoligize and let's everyone know how much he loves them (unless he just woke up (: )! Lyndon is full of energy and ideas and everyday is something new that makes me smile!
Bausten, is getting really big too. My baby will be 14 months next week and I can hardly believe it.He is growing up so fast and it makes me a little sad but, I am really enjoying all of the new things he is experiencing and learning. Basuten can say Mommy/mama, Dada, uh-oh, and he tries to say thank you. He also has started to fold his arms for prayer, he climbs on everything, can up and down the stairs and loves running around with all the kids! he has also become a little bit more like a toddler with defiant ideas about what he wants to play with, when he get's dressed and especially getting into things that well... he shouldn't :) He is starting to keep me going. Bausten is also a very happy little boy, he always has been pretty easy and it truly has been such a blessing. nap time is breeze and so is bed time which is a new experience for me that I enjoy. He is such a sweetheart and so tiny that is just cracks me up watching him walk around and gabber so much because he is so small. Bausten loves his older brother and laughs over everything he does. It's so exciting to see him learn and grow!
I am so thankful I have such a kind and sweet spirit in our home. Bausten and Lyndon are truly blessings to me and I am so thankful for all of the wonderful experiences I have being their Mom!
FHE...that is too funny!
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