Saturday, August 4, 2012
Rummeging Through My Pictures
I did however, run into this picture. My sweet Lyndon on his first Birthday. So many memories come rushing the fact that I wanted to cut his hair soooo bad and someone( his Daddy) loved how cute he looked with it long. I can't believe so much time has passed. Lyndon will be 4 years old in about 6 weeks. He keeps talking about his birthday party and how he wants to invite his friends. He can't make up his mind on whether it should be a Dinosaur theme or Spider man, who knows what it will be tomorrow. He also wants to know when he can start Preschool or Kindergarten. I can't believe in such a short time I will have kids in school!! Lyndon is such a sweet and sensitive little guy, who LOVES his brother and his family. He right now wants to be a Firefighter and pretends to save people and imagine all sorts of things everyday. He is great at sharing and loves to help his Mommy.
I know this is rambling on but, I am so thankful for this little guy and Bausten. They are a complete gift to me and even on our toughest day's I wouldn't ever change anything. I love being their Mommy! Now if I could just figure out my computer so I can share how cute they are with everyone else:)
Posted by Lindsay at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Santa is coming to Town
Our ward had their Annual Christmas Part on the 2nd. I used to love going to these when I was growing up, its so fun to visit with everyone, have some yummy food and start the holiday season. Now... well it's a little different with kids :) But, I wouldn't have it any other way. We are developing traditions and memories that I hope will be something they remember enjoying. As you can see Santa came and Lyndon was very excited he told Sants what he wanted and everything... A skateboard ( What 3 year old asks for that??? We will have to see). Bausten, well he was not so thrilled, I know I know he looks like he is being tortured but I had to have a picture. I don't think any serious damage was done :) We enjoyed the evening and ended with walking out to a snowy winter night... perfect. I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas Season, it goes by too fast anymore and my goal for this year is to just enjoy every minute.
Posted by Lindsay at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Happy Halloween
This year we had a lot of Halloween fun! Lyndon as you can see was a Firefighter, he loves his costume and still pulls it out to play in once in a while. He is always talking about being a Firefighter when he grows up. In fact, while my Aunt watched the boys one night a firetruck zoomed by her front yard with all the lights and sirens going. Lyndon ran to the window and yelled " I 'm a firefighter too!!!" so we will see if this passion sticks around :) Bausten was a puppy, and yes I'm his momma but I think he was the cutest puppy around !! He even left the hat on which shocked me but, I was so glad!
Mel and Ryan invited us to go witht them to their ward's Truck-or- Treat, all the of kid's had a great time and the girls were SO CUTE in their Costumes. Grandma Jill and Grandpa Dave came too and were able to see the kid's all decked out. It was a great night, even Bausten would have to agree he kept grabbing everyone's suckers and running as fast as his little legs could carry him, this kid LOVES the sweets!
We then went to My Dad and Step- mom's Trunk-or-Treat a couple day's later... Also, lot's of fun and LOTS more candy.
On Halloween I had already spent so definatle fun and Quality Halloween time with thte boys that Tyler asked to take them. So the boy's were able to go with Tyler and Jerica that evening. THey came home with King size candy Bars and full buckets, the boy's were thrilled!! We then had a party at my mom's house with the whole gang, even Daisy the puppy Bumble bee :) All in all, I think this Halloween was a definite success.
Posted by Lindsay at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Happy 3rd Birthday Lyndon!!
So this has taken a while to post but, Lyndon turned three last month and we are so excited! He had a wonderful day and ended with a fun Birthday party. All of our Family came which made for one fun night. Lyndon is truly blessed to have so many people who love and care for him. He got so many hugs and kisses and so many fun toy's it looked more like Christmas! I am so grateful for this little guy and the wonderful 3 years we have shared and looking forward for tons and tons more! We love him so much and want to say Thank you to all our family that made this day so special for him !! ( side note: Don't you just love his yellow "Fire Fighter Jacket" as he calls it, he REFUSED to take it off all night, oh well way to be independent I guess haha)
Posted by Lindsay at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Happy 3rd Birthday Lyndon!!

Today my sweet Lyndon turns 3 years old! You will have to excuse the amount of pictures but, I love going back and seeing all theses cute pictures of him :) I feel truly blessed to be Lyndon's mom. He is such a sweet spirit and I am constantly amazed by him each and everyday. Getting him here was a rough road, 10 day's late and then 3 day's of labor but, I wouldn't trade it for anything! Lyndon is so smart, he is kind, he is a wonderful Big brother to Bausten. Lyndon loves to sing and read and has a very big immagination , he even sometimes reads his favorite books to me because he has memorized them. He LOVES playing outside and is all boy, constantly picking up bug's and exploring. Lyndon loves his family very much and makes sure that we all know it! He gives great hug's and Kisses! He makes me laugh when he say's things like " Mom, can you please get me a new Walkie Talkie, the batteries are dead and it's embarrassing" or " Mom, I just need to ask you a question" he seems to small to be saying SO MUCH but, I honestly can't remember him not talking anymore! He knows what he want's in life and works very hard to have it, I am so Thankful for such determined and happy boy. These past three years have been a complete learning experience full of new advent rues and wonderful memories and I am so excited for all the year's to come:) We survived the Terrible two's so I am pretty sure we can sit back and enjoy him for a little while!
Happy Birthday Lyndon! We Love you!!

Posted by Lindsay at 9:00 PM 0 comments