Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rummeging Through My Pictures

             Both of my boys are at my sister Jordan and brother-in-law Jason's place tonight. I decided that I should probably use some of this free time to update my much neglected Blog. To my dismay my computer hates me, haha, Only half of my pictures on my computer pull up when I try to post about something... like Easter and our Zoo trip, and Bausten's 2nd Birthday and our Summer Vacation. I guess I will have to leave those topics for another day.
             I did however, run into this picture. My sweet Lyndon on his first Birthday. So many memories come rushing the fact that I wanted to cut his hair soooo bad and someone( his Daddy) loved how cute he looked with it long. I can't believe so much time has passed. Lyndon will be 4 years old in about 6 weeks. He keeps talking about his birthday party and how he wants to invite his friends. He can't make up his mind on whether it should be a Dinosaur theme or Spider man, who knows what it will be tomorrow. He also wants to know when he can start Preschool or Kindergarten. I can't believe in such a short time I will have kids in school!! Lyndon is such a sweet and sensitive little guy, who LOVES his brother and his family. He right now wants to be a Firefighter and pretends to save people and imagine all sorts of things everyday. He is great at sharing and loves to help his Mommy.
             I know this is rambling on but, I am so thankful for this little guy and Bausten. They are a complete gift to me and even on our toughest day's I wouldn't ever change anything. I love being their Mommy! Now if I could just figure out my computer so I can share how cute they are with everyone else:)