Tommorow Lyndon turns 8 month old and he has become such a little man. Lately, he has discovered he can do a lot of things like pulling himself up to everything, crawling EVERYWHERE, and babbling like crazy. I was so excited to Lyndon to start moving and I still am, but my work has defiantly doubled :) We thought our home was baby proofed well we were wrong!!! From Doorstops with the white little tips to the trash can Lyndon keeps knocking over my job really is full time and I am loving every minute of it!
Did you notice his new hair cut?? We decided it was time to trim his sides and now that it's shorter we are doing it differently I think it makes him look so grown up!! With four teeth, a new haircut and standing up we really do have one wonderful little guy!!
Did you notice his new hair cut?? We decided it was time to trim his sides and now that it's shorter we are doing it differently I think it makes him look so grown up!! With four teeth, a new haircut and standing up we really do have one wonderful little guy!!
That hair cut is so cute. It definatly makes him look so much older. Miss you guys
He is so big and dang cute! just want to hold him.
To think he's 8 months old and I haven't even gotten to meet him yet. Sad! He is a cutie though.
His hair is so cute! Tell me how to teach Ender to crawl. I have know idea and I am sick of everyone telling me that he needs to. HELP!
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