Lyndon, has a whole basket of toys that as you can see he drags all over the place but lately he has fixated on our t.v. cord!! We were really worried about his getting into things so we hooked all of our cords from the t.v. etc to a short extension cord and put it behind the Armoire where he can' t get it. However, this short little part sticks out because it's the only plug in our living room that works right and Lyndon loves it!! All day long I am pulling him away from it tyring to get him interested in something else but this kid loves cords. That' s what got him motivated to crawl because he wanted to get to the cord. He is such a funny guy he will look at me with this big grin and the charge over to the wall. We decided to put his bouncer in front of it but Lyndon is just tooo smart. He now just crawls under or behind the bouncer in order to get his favorite "Toy"! Tyler is so worried about him hurting himself, he is constantly tyring to find new way's to hide the cord or discourage Lyndon from going over there but nothing works!! I guess that's how we will get our exercise from now on :) I will do my sprints from the kitchen or bedroom to get Lyndon away from this cord!! Maybe someday it won't be so amusing to him!!
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