Friday, October 30, 2009

Here Comes Our Toddler!

We have recently discovered in our home that our baby has been replaced with a very smart and curious toddler! I know everyone thinks their child is the best and so smart, but really Lyndon amazes Tyler and I every day. He really is a little sponge soaking in everything he see's and hears. This is one of his newest accomplishments, he is defiantly a go getter:) I put something he wants but can't have up high and he goes into the cupboard and pulls out his trusty "stool". I am not sure if I should be amazed or worried that he is either one, going to get the item he wants or two, fall of and hurt his head.
At times I am saddened that my baby is disappearing but also so excited for all the fun adventures we are going to have with Lyndon as he is growing up. He can say so many things, his newest words are: pants, No mama, cow and toes. He also LOVES taking off and putting back on lids to anything, especially my perfume bottle and the shampoo, you should see the fun little fits he throws when it is time to leave the bathroom!!
Tyler and I just could not be more happy with how Lyndon is growing and developing and how much joy and fun he brings into our lives!!


Janalyn and Rob said...

That picture is too funny!

Pickup Family said...

What a cute little boy. He is so funny. You have to love those stages.