Miss Erika and Miss Bailey are coming to play this weekend. Lyndon loves when his cousins come for a sleepover, he is so excited!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Movie Night / Sleepover !!
Miss Erika and Miss Bailey are coming to play this weekend. Lyndon loves when his cousins come for a sleepover, he is so excited!!!
Posted by Lindsay at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My Brother Brooks, Lyndon and Bausten are on the go everyday doing what boy's do best... having lot's of fun:) Once, in a while I like to enjoy the little moments of peace after a long, energy filled day- aren't they so cute :)
Posted by Lindsay at 8:18 PM 0 comments

This year Lyndon was finally old enough to enjoy some of the fun things the summer has to offer. We Went to Clinton Day's with the Pickup's and Lyndon had his first experience with the rides! He however, was not so sure about them, we waited in three lines and he refused to get on :( We found the car's and although he would not really let go, I think he had a great time. A couple weeks later My family went to Handcart Day's, we watched the Parade and then headed to the carnival. This time Lyndon remembered how much fun he had a wanted to go on everything. He chose to go on the swing which he loved and then yep, you got it the one ride I did not want him to see, the Ferris Wheel( at least that's what I call it ) Luckily, it was closed in and locked form the outside but, I was a little nervous. Growing up I went to a Carnival every year and the only ride I went on was the Dragon that went around in a circle:) So how my child wanted to do something like that ... haha I survived him being on it! He had a great time, notice Bausten spent his time strapped securely in his stroller, maybe next year :)
Posted by Lindsay at 7:47 PM 0 comments

Fun at the Park!
Lyndon and Bausten LOVE going to the Park! Lyndon has finally gotten to the age where I can let him run and he has a blast, he's even mastered the fireman's Pole, which I use to be so terrified of. It's great seeing him running around and having so much fun. He even makes friends sometimes and has a blast! I love seeing him practice his independence,I can't belive how fast he is growing up :)
Basuten makes me a little bit more nervous. Yes, I will admit I get a little panicked when he tries to climb the toy's by himself. He loves going down the slide, over and over again but, the swings are probably his favorite. I don't think he could ever get sick of them. If you want to see my sweet baby throw a toddler fit... take him off the swings :)
Overall, we have a great time running around throwing a Frisbee, playing with the toy's and just enjoying our afternoon.( which includes a big long nap after! )
Basuten makes me a little bit more nervous. Yes, I will admit I get a little panicked when he tries to climb the toy's by himself. He loves going down the slide, over and over again but, the swings are probably his favorite. I don't think he could ever get sick of them. If you want to see my sweet baby throw a toddler fit... take him off the swings :)
Overall, we have a great time running around throwing a Frisbee, playing with the toy's and just enjoying our afternoon.( which includes a big long nap after! )
Posted by Lindsay at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lyndon came into the bathroom the other day while I was getting ready, he (had) been ready to go to his dad's but decided he wanted to wear this instead... when I told him that wouldn't be happening this is the face I got, priceless:)
Posted by Lindsay at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 12, 2011
Lately, If we can't find Bausten this is where he will be. He loves coloring and throws a fit when I take the crayons away. which I only do when he tries to eat them :) He is growing up so fast and it makes me sad that my baby is getting so big. Oh well new adventures with him have been a lot of fun too and it's great to see Lyndon and him interacting more each day!!
Posted by Lindsay at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Can you tell he needs a hair cut BAD!! everyday he I think today's the day i am going to cut it but, Bausten thinks getting his hair cut is pretty much the worst thing that could happen to him . He screams like crazy and moves so much that it's really difficult. Maybe he will just have crazy hair :)
Posted by Lindsay at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I am so grateful for these to little guy's!! Through everything they are my driving force and a true blessing in my life. I love them so much and am truly grateful to be there mom!!!
Posted by Lindsay at 12:56 PM 1 comments
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