Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Monkey!

I no longer have a son he has been replaced with a monkey!! That climbs on everything! This week Tyler has taken it upon himself to teach Lyndon how to climb on the couch, chair and into his seat. It amazes me how fast he picks up on things. I came around the corner to find Lydon standing in his High chair I was shocked!! I sent Ty a picture and he informed me that they were working on climbing last night:) I guess we have different concerns,I want Lyndon to not hurt himself falling out of the chair and Ty wants him to learn everything a boy should know:)
This latest trick is defiantly keeping me on my toes even with thew tray on our big boy climbs right up!All I can do is try not to laugh in front of him and hopefully, catch every time before he cracks his head open!

Spoon anyone?

Well, what can I say:) Lyndon's new thing is throwing his plate of food onto our CARPET floor everytime I set it down so I have resorted to just putting it on his tray and giving him a small spoon. On Tuesday, I was cleaning up from dinner while Lyndon was eating .
I watch a little girl everynight and she loves playing witht this big spoon and bowl, I stop cleaning when I hear her fussing. I guess she was sharing her spoon with Lyndon and he decided to keep it!! It was so funny!I almost felt bad taking it away and giving him his regular spoon:) I guess whatever works!

Happy Halloween!

Our Little Bumble Bee One Year Later
This Halloween Lyndon was again a Bumble bee !! Thanks to all of our family members who have passed down clothes for Lyndon! He looked so cute! Since Tyler had to work all day and then Homework all night and Lyndon is still too little for all that candy we stayed in this Halloween! Our ward had a party in the afternoon which was fun! They had a petting zoo and Lyndon absolutely loved it!( I will try to put pic's up when my camera is cooperating )! Lyndon. especially loved the 4 week old baby calf and the goats he kept saying"soft" and trying to pet them as the roamed around, it was really cute! I was going to wear his costume but in AZ it is still around the 90's and WAY to hot for his costume! He did not seem to mind:)
When Tyler came home he went straight to work on homework but Lyndon really wanted to see him so me being EXTREMELY cheesy put Lyndon's costume on, gave Ty a kit-Kat and had Lyndon knock on our bedroom door:) It was so funny but Lyndon loved it! He has never had candy before and apparently liked it because all night long he kept knocking on our door hoping to get more:)
Next year we will have a 2 year old and a 5 month old and Ty says we will defiantly start the Trick-or -treating thing but, until then we had a great night spending it with family and watching our little Bee run around in his costume because he wouldn't take it off!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Keep scrolling down I posted a lot today:)


For FHE this past Mondsay we bought a pumpkin to decorate!! Tyler hates touching all the gooey stuff inside so we decided not to cut it open and just decorate it.Tyler carved out a very nice picture of a Golf club on one side and then decided that it would be fun to put Lyndon's hand prints on it! The only type of paint I have is Toll paint so I told him it would have to be done fast!
I then had to get ready the little girl I watch everyday because she was being picked up soon! When I returned both my boys were COVERED in paint!! Tyler decided to just let Lyndon go at it and man were they having some fun!! That night I Tyler was in charge of bath time, which consisted of draining and refilling the tub three times before it was no longer black water:) We definatly have the greatest pumpin around though, they did a great job:)

Our New Addition!

Our Baby!

Can you see it? :)Here is the first picture of our baby! Our family is so excited to welcome this little one into our family around June 7Th!! This ultrasound was taken when I was only 6 1/2 weeks along which means the baby was only a size of a bean:) I am now 9 weeks and am almost hopefully out of the queasy stage (1st trimester)!!Luckily, with this pregnancy I have not been half as sick as I was with Lyndon so I am both excited and a little curios to know if we may be having a girl this time??
Boy or Girl, we are just so thrilled, shocked, and completely excited to have our family grow!!

Here Comes Our Toddler!

We have recently discovered in our home that our baby has been replaced with a very smart and curious toddler! I know everyone thinks their child is the best and so smart, but really Lyndon amazes Tyler and I every day. He really is a little sponge soaking in everything he see's and hears. This is one of his newest accomplishments, he is defiantly a go getter:) I put something he wants but can't have up high and he goes into the cupboard and pulls out his trusty "stool". I am not sure if I should be amazed or worried that he is either one, going to get the item he wants or two, fall of and hurt his head.
At times I am saddened that my baby is disappearing but also so excited for all the fun adventures we are going to have with Lyndon as he is growing up. He can say so many things, his newest words are: pants, No mama, cow and toes. He also LOVES taking off and putting back on lids to anything, especially my perfume bottle and the shampoo, you should see the fun little fits he throws when it is time to leave the bathroom!!
Tyler and I just could not be more happy with how Lyndon is growing and developing and how much joy and fun he brings into our lives!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

We are growing!

Lyndon is going to be a Big Brother!!!
We are happy to announce that we found out that we are expecting a baby next spring! We still have about 8 months to go but Tyler just could not contain himself and started telling everyone so I figured we would just let everyone know:)!! I have a Dr. appointment this week so we will put up all the details soon!! Tyler and I were shocked and thrilled and are looking forward to having our little family grow!!

Las Vegas!

Thanks to Rob and Janalyn we were able to have some fun with Ty"s family in Vegas a couple weeks ago. It was great to see everyone and to get away from home for a while! Lyndon had a hard time getting used to having other people wanting to hold him but I think by the last day he started warming up:) We went and saw the Lion exhibit at the MGM and Lyndon absolutely loved it!! We probably spent over a half hour just watching them. He just kept giggling and screaming it was so cute!! We also went swimming but the water ended up being too cold:( then we went to the M&M factory and the Coca-cola factory were rob treated up to yummy floats! We are so glad we were able to go and hope to see everyone again soon!!

Happy Birthday Lyndon!!

This past month our little boy turned one year old!!! Tyler and I can hardly believe that this past year has flown by so fast. Our baby is no longer tiny and helpless but defiantly a toddler who runs and screams ,dances, giggles, he has a pretty good throwing arm and a very beautiful singing voice:) We love him more than anything and are so excited for the years to come. I have not been able to download the pictures of him eating his very own cake yet but let's just say it was messy!! Well Lyndon was eating little tiny bites and so daddy decided to help by shoving both hands into the cake! I think Lyndon actually only ate about two bites but the cake was EVERYWHERE!!! We finally stopped when he stared throwing it and it hit the wall:) The popper you see is his very favorite toy but he also loves the fun gifts and cards from everyone!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nap time

So this is how nap time goes at our house! Since we live in AZ most of you don't know that Lyndon is NOT a good sleeper, well it's mostly because he just does not need a lot of sleep! He did great going to bed until he got an ear infection around 6 months and then he decided he liked me holding him all night. Well, sleeping sitting up was not that great so after trying countless things that did not work we finally talked to our pediatrician and a couple friends who suggested just letting him cry it out. As, heartbreaking as it was two hours later we had a baby so was sound asleep and who now goes to bed every night at 8 without any problems.
So why did I put this picture up? Well, because the story does not end there Lyndon has his father's genes and yes I know its good to go to bed early and rise early but I am not programmed that way and well every morning around 4:30-5:00 our wide eyed little boy is ready to start the day, and I am defiantly NOT! But having a baby I get up anyways I watch a 9 month old little girl everyday so I like to be ready by the time she gets here.
That's where nap time comes in even though Lyndon sleeps in his bed all night he refuses to sleep in it during the day and Amara the little girl I watch co-sleeps with her family so the room with the pack-n-play and crib stay empty everyday and my couch is full :) I am sure some probably wonders why I don't break this habit, well I have tried but Lyndon would rather not sleep all day than take a nap and Amara is so not used to it and living in Apartments it sounds like I am torturing them. They will scream their lungs out everyday all day until i get them out, and they both only take one 45 min. nap a day so if you ever come to visit:) Don't be alarmed if my couch is now a bed:) Someday when Lyndon does not wake up before the sun does maybe I will change his sleeping arrangements but, for now I am going to enjoy my the only 45 minutes of silence I get a day!:)

** Don't you like my couch Ty takes the cover off everyday when he sits on it:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

To the Love of My Life, Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Three years ago today, Tyler and I were married ! As I look back I can't believe how fast time goes by and how much life has changed in such a short amount of time. I am truly grateful to be married to Ty he is my best friend and I really do mean that. Ty know what I am going to do or how I am going to handle situations before I even do sometimes. He knows how to make me smile, laugh, and what drives me crazy! He tells me all the time that he teases me because I did not have the Luxury?!:) of having an older brother to torture me and I complain that I don't want to be teased but it really is kind of fun( Shhhhh, don't tell him:)! I love that he is strong in everything I lack, and that as a team we can accomplish anything. He is also such a hard worker going all day everyday to school and work taking care of our family and always leaving room to spend time with Lyndon and I. Tyler, is the best father and I am so grateful that he is so kind and caring towards Lyndon. He loves him more than anything in this world. Thank you honey for making me the luckiest girl ever! I love you so much! Happy Anniversary!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

All by Myself!

Tuesday, during dinner I decided it's probably getting time for Lyndon to start learning how to use Utensils. He will be a year next month and has been on "people"food for more that 2 months so we decided to try. As you can see he did pretty well. we need to get him some smaller spoons but this little guy just picks up new things so fast! He is defiantly still learning and we did scoop up the food onto his spoon before we gave it too him but he kept trying and I know it won't be too long now! I can't believe how big my baby is, he has just grown up toooo fast, but we are enjoying every minute of him!

Potato anyone?

I just had to post this picture because it made me laugh! When I am doing the dishes Lyndon's favorite thing to do is get into my cupboard with all the spoons. Well he has now discovered that there are more cupboards in our kitchen because as I was finishing up I heard him making some funny sounds, I looked down and he had gotten into my bag of potatoes and was trying to eat them! As you can kind of tell from the photo it wasn't that pleasant and his face was covered in dirt! YUMMY!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

4th of July!

4th of July
I know it kind of late but I wanted to post some pictures of Lyndon's first 4th of July. Ty and I took Lyndon to the High school to watch fireworks! We were worried because they started 2 hours past his nap time but it ended up turning out great! We brought him his big green ball and of course Ty brought a golf ball and that pretty much kept him busy the whole night. in fact as soo as the Fireworks started he fell asleep. Lyndon did wake up half way through but he just sat on my lap and was really interested in the glow sticks! Overall, we had a fun time just spending it together with our little family

Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 months!!

Ten Months old !
This week Lyndon turned 10 months and as I look back it has been the happiest, greatest and also at times most challenging ten months of my entire life. Tyler and I would not trade him for the world though, he has filled our home with so much joy and love even more than we could have ever imagined!
How fast time flies,in ten months. Lyndon went from being so little and helpless at 8lbs. 1 oz. and 20 inches to know weighing almost 22 lbs and now 28 inch long. He can feed himself, open and close everything, WaLk, wave hello, clap, throw lovely tantrums:) go and retrieve things and BoUnCE!!
He loves peekaboo, reading playing ball,dancing, climbing through our dining room chairs,getting into my cupboards,looking at himself in the mirror, snuggling with mommy and daddy, Standing in the Bath tub(despite our constant sitting him back down!)going on walks and swimming.
Lyndon also LOVES to babble, especially in sacrament meeting:) Some of his favorite words are Dada, Mama,Uh-Oh, hi and thank you. He also tries to repeat everything we say but we usually only recognize a sound or too!! I just love to hear him "talk" it makes me laugh so hard he will sit and play or read his books and just go on forever!
We really are so thankful to have such an amazing son, and are amazed by the constant love and joy he brings to our home. Lyndon is just trying to grow up too fast!! Hopefully, we can continue to enjoy every minute of him!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Lyndon received his very first golf club last week. Ty has a club making class where they have to learn and practice making clubs! He made a Driver for himself and like such a proud and happy daddy he made Lyndon a putter! It is so cute and even though it's going to be a couple years before Lyndon can test it out on the course , we still have fun playing golf in our living room!!

Wash dishes before use !!

Now that Lyndon is walking he has discovered a whole new world of fun things to play with. We have only two little drawers in our kitchen so all of my mixing spoon are in a Tupperware container in my cupboard. One day I walked into the kitchen and here he is smacking the spoons on the floor and having the most fun ! How can I get frustrated at this sweet boy? He was having so much fun!! We did purchase a gate because our oven gets really hot on the outside when I am cooking dinner and Lyndon just loves to help with the dishwasher a little too much:) But, when everything is all cleaned up don't be surprised if you stop by and I have spoons and maybe even a couple bowls decorating my living room:)

Daddy and Me

From the moment we found out we were expecting Lyndon, Tyler has wanted him and Lyndon to be best buds! Well, Lyndon has always loved his daddy but Tyler has been working so hard and going to school for our family and I have been Lyndon's food source it's been a little difficult. Lately, though as our little guy is growing up and getting more independent and Tyler is helping out more with bath time, changing's and feedings Lyndon has really took to him. Not that he hasn't before but, Lyndon lets him comfort him when he's upset and he has even fallen asleep in Daddy's arms. It's so cute and I am so blessed that Lyndon has such a wonderful Daddy who loves him more than anything in this world. The fact that I can shower in peace is also a new bonus, thanks to daddy's help! I just love my two boys!!

WE are BACK!!! After weeks of our computer not working we finally have figured it out!! Stay tune for lots of posts!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fun pictures

My loving husband watched Lyndon for me so I could come to the Library and post some pictures. So keep scrolling down!!

I can feed myself!

Yes, Lyndon does get two bath's a day!!! As you can see Lyndon no longer will eat baby food, or even let me feed him anything at all!! He is our toddler stuck in a short little body:) He would rather not eat than have us try to feed him ! So hence the fun mess ! Luckily he does not put it in his hair but it sure does get all over my floor! Banana's, noodles, toast ,beans, peas we have had them all :) vacuuming has become such a necessity in our home because we have just stepped one too many times on squishy little pieces. Doesn't that sound like fun, I laugh everytime it happens to Tyler because you would have think he is dying by the way he screams:) We, will tell him " don't drop it" and he just looks at us and all of his food goes everywhere!! Hey, I guess that's what he's supposed to do right?? Hopefully, with some persistance and watching him carefully our floors will be clean again!

FIrst Steps!!!

Yesterday, while I was trying to get a picture of Lyndon standing he all of the sudden decided he wanted to walk!!! Luckily our camera Can take video's too!! I am so excited I got his first steps recorded !! Tyler and I cannot believe that our 9 month old will be walking so soon!! It makes me laugh because Lyndon is so short!! He will look a little silly walking around! But we couldn't be more happy!! As you can probably tell from the video I think i scared him because I shouted so loud because I was so happy!!

Our Big Boy!!

LYndON CAn sTAnD AlL BY hiMSeLF!!!
For the past month Lyndon has been mastering the skill of standing!! Tyler and I are suprised everyday by how smart this litlle guy is. I wanted to keep him a baby for soo long but hew is not going to have any part of that. Lyndon wants to be a big boy!! He turned 9 months this past sunday and it seems like everyday he does something new ! we are constantly clapping and laughing and and shouting"YEAH" !! Well not all the time:) because he is so mobile he can also pull things off the table, shut himself in the closet, open the toilet bowl lid!! and pull things out of my cupboards. We now have a STRICt all doors closed policy:) and a gate so he can't get into our kitchen!! He keeps me realy busy and I would not have it any other way!!

Memorial day!

Okay, So I know this is really late, but for Memorial day we went to a lake and had a BBQ! It was a lot of fun, we woke up really early because we heard it was going to be really busy and we wanted to get a table! It was defiantly not as nice as Utah Lakes but it was fun to go out, we went on a walk, played games, put Lyndon's toes in the lake ( SOOOOO Cold!!) and our chef made us a wonderful lunch!!